Need info on your delivery?
Log in to your account or check your email for your tracking info!
Delivery Questions?
Check out below! We have all the details on when you will receive either your first subscription box delivery or single box order.

All subscription orders received on or before the 8th of each month will ship out the week of 15th of that same month. Orders received after the 8th will automatically ship out the following month the week of the 15th.
Single Box Deliveries
Your single box order will be shipped out within 5-7 business days of receiving your order. Expect a 1-2 week total delivery period (from order date) depending on your geographic location and frequency of local mail delivery service.

You will receive a tracking email once your order has shipped!
Curious About Expected Delivery Times?
See our standard
Canada and USA delivery map times below!
Canada Delivery Map

United States Delivery Map

Maps are a general representation of delivery times, Delivery may by delayed due to unplanned events such as poor weather conditions, inventory availability or rural route deliveries.
We ship with:

If you are unable to get the information you need, via the carrier tracking details. Please reach out to us at One of our customer service team members will assist in locating the package.
All products shipped are final, unless the product is damaged. Looking for more details on our return policy? Visit our terms & conditions page for the detailed overview of the return policy.
For prepaid plans, please reach out to us, if you contact us within 30 days of the renewal date, we can reverse the renewal charge, less the value of the first month’s shipment (If shipped).
We do have a 30 day cancellation policy in place. If you contact us after 30 days from your renewal charge, all sales are final. However, we can remove the auto renew from your account for the following renewal date. This would mean you would finish out the remainder of the subscription term and no further charges would be processed on your card.
For both prepaid plans and monthly plans, you can turn your auto renew off by logging onto your My account page. Once logged in, click on “My subscription.” Select turn off automatic renewal.
We ship to Canada and the United States. Please reachout to us directly, we may be able to accommodate shipping to your country. Inquire at