Warm weather has finally set it. Things are beginning to grow and summer is right around the corner. That being said, now is also a great time to get your child involved in environmental awareness and responsibility by allowing them to have their very own garden in your yard or on your patio.
Growing up my mom did this with my sisters and I, and it was always exciting getting to plant our seeds and watch them grow. I’m not going to lie, it did take some convincing to get us out to weed – really, who wants to weed when there are games to play. But we did it and we loved it. My sister is now doing the same thing with my niece and she is super excited to tell me all about her plants and how big they are getting.
Here are some tips for success:
Give them their own space. Whether it’s pots on the patio, a little patch of your backyard garden. Why not reuse that old sandbox that you have laying around. In order for your child to take this seriously, they need to feel an ownership of their garden.
Allow them to use “serious” gardening tools. This sends the message that what they are doing is worth it and important.
Allow them to pick the seeds they want to plant. The ones I’ve had the most success with are: beans, zucchini, strawberries (watch for birds with these), pumpkins, watermelon, sunflowers, and lettuce.
Engage them in the entire process – its not only about letting them watch the seeds grow, but it’s also about the planting, watering, harvesting, and serving of their crops.
Don’t forget to show off their hard work through pictures and sharing with friends and family!